Colony Survival

Colony Survival Cover Screenshot Game

About The Game

Both colonists and monsters can find their way in your world. Build bridges, tunnels, stairs, overpasses and underpasses to make sure your colonists get where they want to go, and monsters don’t! Plant a banner to start your colony. As you recruit more colonists, more monsters will try to invade your colony! Build walls, dig moats and construct forts to deal with the increasing threat. Dozens of different jobs, unlockable with science. Use an extensive science system to unlock jobs, blocks, upgrades and new weapons! Your colony will start small, with a couple of berry farmers, slingers and a copper miner. Expand your colony and start using new metals like bronze, iron and steel. Producing them will require new fuels like charcoal and cokes. Use more advanced metals to unlock crossbows and matchlock guns for your guards! Add wheat farmers, bakers, flax farmers, tailors and many other jobs to your colony.

More Informations

  • Released: June 16, 2017
  • Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie, Strategy
  • Developer: Pipliz
  • Publisher: Pipliz

Mods Graphics

It is page contain all mods available for download for this game, select your preferred mod and download.

Reshade preset for Colony Survival for remaster game with next-gen post-process

Photorealistic Colony Survival

Colony Survival



Reshade Preset for Call of Duty Modern Colony Survival for enhance colors,sharperning textures and bloom of this game.

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