Medal of Honor Pacific Assault Mods Available for Download

Medal of Honor Pacific Assault Cover Screenshot Game

About The Game

Medal of Honor Pacific Assault puts you in the boots of a WWII soldier in the Pacific Theater of Operations. As Marine Private Tommy Conlin, you must survive the devastating attack on Pearl Harbor and then join the Allied crusade to defeat Imperial Japan’s bloody conquest of the Pacific. From the attack at Pearl Harbor to the pivotal battle against Japanese Forces at Tarawa Island, Medal of Honor Pacific Assault gives PC gamers a sense of the courage it took to endure and overcome the Japanese threat in WWII and fight for VICTORY in the Pacific.

More Informations

  • Released: November 4, 2004
  • Genre: Action
  • Developer: EA Los Angeles
  • Publisher: Electronic Arts

Mods Graphics

It is page contain all mods available for download for this game, select your preferred mod and download.

Reshade preset for Medal Of Honor Pacific Assault for remaster game with next-gen post-process

Photorealistic Medal Of Honor Pacific Assault

Medal of Honor Pacific Assault



Reshade Preset for Medal of Honor Pacific Assault for enhance colors,sharperning textures and bloom of this game.

Download Page

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