Serious Sam 4 Mods Available for Download

Serious Sam 4 Cover Screenshot Game

About The Game

Humanity is under siege as the full force of Mental’s hordes spread across the world, ravaging what remains of a broken and beaten civilization. The last remaining resistance to the invasion is the Earth Defense Force led by Sam “Serious” Stone and his heavily-armed squad of misfit commandos. Croteam returns with a high-powered prequel to the Serious Sam series that scales up chaos to unprecedented levels. The classic Serious Sam formula is revamped by putting an unstoppable arsenal up against an unimaginable number of enemies that requires players to circle-strafe and backpedal-blast their way out of impossible situations.HORDES OF INVADERSThe iconic cast of alien invaders returns with some new reinforcements! Fight your way through unbelievable numbers of Mental’s minions including the iconic Headless Kamikaze, Beheaded Rocketeer, Kleer, Scrapjack, Werebull, and Khnum! Square off against brand new enemies and towering monsters like the frantic Processed, repulsive Belcher, the hard-hitting Zealot, and more. Armed with a slew of devastating weapons, pick your tool for any situation. Lay waste to Mental’s Horde using the powerful double-barreled shotgun, the punishing minigun, the powerful chainsaw launcher, a brand new auto shotgun, and the iconic cannon. Upgrade your toys, and enjoy the violent beauty of the lock-on rocket launcher, and the mighty laser beam of death. Smash through the action-packed campaign with friends in 4-player online co-op mode! Tackle exciting primary missions and thrilling side quests in modified difficulties for an extra challenge. Serious Sam 4 unleashes some of the biggest moments in the series’ history with the new Legion System and battlefields teeming with thousands of enemies!.

More Informations

  • Released: September 24, 2020
  • Genre: Action
  • Developer: Croteam
  • Publisher: Devolver Digital

Mods Graphics

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Reshade preset for Serious Sam 4 for remaster game with next-gen post-process

Photorealistic Serious Sam 4

Serious Sam 4



Reshade Preset for Serious Sam 4 for enhance colors,sharperning textures and bloom of this game.

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